Israel Education & Advocacy Workshops for Educators and Students
This video was created with the goal of helping Jews and others frustrated by the recent rhetoric. But would it be persuasive for anti-Israel people?
Effective and Creative Israel Advocacy
Having rallies with great speakers, Israeli flags and singing Am Yisrael Chai really help us feel the support of our Jewish communities, but they don’t help dispel the lies that have taken over our education systems. In spite of the many ways people and organizations are trying to change the predominant narrative (which we explore), ultimately things are getting worse. So, what is the best approach? Depends on the audience and goals.
In this workshop/course I share ideas and methods for approaching Israel advocacy that are creative and effective for achieving goals for various audiences . In the last part of the workshop, we all brainstorm new ways of advocating for Israel and the Jewish people.
Recomended for educators and/or goups of students anywhere from teen - adult.
Israel Education with Lenses of Questioning
Never has the importance of critical thinking skills been more important. With the very existence of Israel being challenged and the proliferation of antisemitism, we need to ensure that our teens know how to ask good questions, analyze information, and learn to zoom out to see beyond the Tik Tok and Instagram posts regarding Israel and the Jewish people. In this interactive workshop, we apply my Lenses of Questioning approach to help model for and train our students to ask good questions instead of blindly accepting everything they hear and see.
Recommended for educators who work with 7th grade and above.
Can We Cure the Mutating Virus of Antisemitism?
In this unprecedented time of Jew-hatred, it’s important to learn about the history of antisemitism and how it is playing out now. In this session, we delve into the history of antisemitism, discuss what we need to do to support each other, and gain tools to for dealing with the extreme increase of antisemitism we are students are experiencing.
Is Anti-Zionism Always Antisemitism?
In this interactive session, we explore the history of Zionism from the time of the Exodus through modern Zionism’s political origins up until today. We will examine what the actual definition of Zionism is vs. how the word is used currently by much of the non-Jewish world. Why are anti-Israel protesters saying that Zionism and Judaism are not connected? Are they? And what does it mean either way?
Both of these workshops are for students 7th grade - Adult and educators who teach those ages.